do you...

...think negative thoughts about yourself when you see yourself in the mirror?

...go to great lengths to make yourself "presentable" for others?

...constantly look for the next diet/exercise/product/procedure that will fix your body?

...feel hopeless because you will never reach the beauty standard held out before you?

...feel like your body hatred is preventing you from living your life fully?

you are not alone. there is hope.

Nearly every person I talk to, across a wide age span and range of sizes and shapes-- hates their body. This is especially true for women (but certainly not limited to women).

Body hatred is a pervasive disease in our culture.

So let's do something about it, starting with ourselves.

My Befriend Your Body Workshop might be just what you need to take a step toward healing your relationship with your body.

what to expect

Gentle Movement

With my guidance, you will explore and delight in how your body can move without judgment.

Alignment and Posture

Bring loving awareness to the ways you hold your body due to trauma, habits, or pain. Release tight areas to find freedom and confidence.

Embodied Affirmation

Communicate love and acceptance to your body and brain through a simple but powerful somatic practice.

meet your instructor

Joanna Rodriguez has been teaching dance for 17 years. Her passions include the interconnectedness of the mind and body, teaching safe & effective techniques, and helping people of all shapes and sizes find joy in movement.


I have survived much and I will survive much more in this life, but I don't need to hate myself anymore. Instead, I will choose to love myself and stand in awe of who I am. Thank you, Joanna, for showing me that there truly is a better way.

--Befriend Your Body Workshop attendee

I invite you to take a step away from toxic body hatred and sign up for this workshop. It may be the most important thing you've done for yourself in a long time.


Next Workshop Date TBD

Request a date by contacting me here.

And sign up for my e-mail list to stay in the loop.

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